Thursday, May 1, 2008

My thoughts on the moment

I feel like i've lost my confidence ,what's actually needed to get back my real life ,quite a long ago.In these days...I'm trying to seek a cure for my inferiority complex.What i have seen is that I need to finish up my ACCA as soon as possible .It's the only solution to boost my mood & confidence.To achieve ACCA, I should pay so much efforts into it.Sitting,gazing & thinking too much won't get me anything absolutely....I must strive to attain it as fast and as much as i can!

My exam is drawing near & near and i haven't studied much until right now.Only 30 days are left to study for 2 papers.Truthfully,i feel worried so much with the wavering thoughts/ doubts of whether i can make it or not.
No matter what, I have to pass both papers this exam.....
So let me make not to think too much & try my best!
I really want these 30 days to be very productive & bring the good results for me.
I promise to give my best shot and accordingly please let my destiny give me the best of health,mind & luck.
Wish me to get rid of my doubts and make me believe & adopt "i can make it" attitude.
Wish me the best of luck for this exam!

I have to believe in myself; otherwise who else will!

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