Time to stop being a killjoy--Adrian Tan
Our world is in an unprecedented recession. The Government has downgraded Singapore’s economic growth projection for 2009
to a best-case scenario of minus 2 per cent and a worst case of minus 5 per cent.
We are completely overwhelmed by all these bad news — so much so that fear and uncertainties paralyse us.
Just like the deep credit freeze, most of us remain frozen in our steps, not knowing which way to move.
I say, enough is enough. Let’s take a step back, remain calm and see what we can do .
I think we are completely infected with negativity. We must simply stop being the prophets of doom.
Instead, we should look at the bright side of things. Let us exude positive energies and wash the world with protons, the positive ions in the air.
So what’s so good about this crisis? Let’s find out.
1. Take it easy
It’s time. Let us not be so spoilt. We had a very good bull run and the bull is tired. He needs a rest.
.Let him rest well so that he will be energised and give us a bull run that is even better than the last. When, we do not know, but it will surely come.
Let’s get ready.
2. Detoxification
The current calamity is a natural process of economic detoxifications. All the excess must come to a head.
.We are very much an overpaid workforce. If not for greed, why would CEOs need to be paid a salary in the hundreds of millions plus bonuses?
.Should we not be building the assets of the companies rather than enriching those individuals?
.What we have experienced is therewarding of individuals with hard cash, justifying these huge payouts with revenues for corporations from sales
of fraudulent financial products.
.I am glad these poisons in the system have been found out and we are now purging the toxins out of the system.
3. The truth always triumphs
From the crisis we all know that the truth will find falsehood out. What we will have from here on, will be better, more vigilant, more pro-active,
more transparent regulators.
4. Bridging the gap
Through this shake-up, we will have a more equitable world. There will be a narrowing of the divide between the haves and the have-nots.
That’s good because envy is a very powerful negative energy.
5. Looking forward
Harsh it may be, companies that restructured itself for this crisis would have gotten rid of their wastages and fats, leaving them leaner, meaner
and more efficient to ride the next huge bull run.
6. Embrace the change in the air
Mr Barack Obama has just come to town. He promises change. That’s what we will really need.
7. Seize that chance
There will be opportunities in this crisis. Companies which can adapt quickly will not only survive the crisis but can emerge as new leaders.
8. Back to basics
This crisis is one big lesson in humility. Time to scale back the excesses of Ferraris, the Petrus wines and first-class travels.
.Why stress when you can relax and live within your means?
9. This is the moment
For those who always want to be stakeholders of good companies, this time will never come again. With the world’s stock markets having fallen
on the average by about 50 per cent last year, we have the Great Blue Chips Sales. For those who have been property-hunting, owning your first
property is now at least within sight.
10. Last but not least ...
Finally, whoever said that money can buy you happiness? I have always said, “rich man can cry and poor man can laugh”. It’s all in your perspective. The secret to happiness is all about contentment. When we look back and count our blessings, I am sure there would be plenty.
With that, let’s inject more positive energy into the next person.
Let there be more protons in the air .
The writer is Chairman of the Ad Planet Group.
The gloomy economyis all the more reason we should look forward to light at the end of the tunnel.
Adrian Tan
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